“Audit Rating” 2022

On May 15, 2023, the independent ranking organization "Auditrating" announced the results of the national ranking of audit organizations based on the results of their activities for 2022. This ranking was organized jointly with the National Association of Accountants and Auditors of Uzbekistan and the Chamber of Auditors of Uzbekistan.
More than 100 audit organizations operating in Uzbekistan took part in this ranking.
According to the results of the rating, the audit organization "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AUDIT CONSULTING" LLC (IBAC) took a significantly higher position compared to last year's figures.
- 5th place in the nomination "Personnel Qualification";
- 8th place in terms of "Net revenue (volume of consulting services)";
- 9th place in terms of "Equity";
- 12th place in terms of "Net profit";
- 7th place in terms of "Insurance of liability of the audit organization".
The rating of audit organizations is one of the most important tools for assessing the quality of company services.
To date, the market for audit services in Uzbekistan is expanding every year and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain competitiveness. Despite this, we increase our intellectual potential and ensure the quality of the services we provide, gaining the trust of our customers.
Our goal is your success!
You can see the results of the ranking at the link: